SAR Learn

Training heroes for unexpected missions with Search and Rescue Training and Evaluation Platform.

In collaboration with Gravitydrive, we designed a platform to streamline the process of training volunteers for rescue missions. With an AI-generated learning plan, volunteers receive personalized guidance on their career path to excel in rescue operations.


Capstone Project, Received an award for Best Research Project 2023 @IUPUI

My Role

User Experience Researcher, Interaction Designer, and Design Strategist


Figma, Adobe XD, Miro, Unity3d,, SurveyMonkey, R, HTML

Design Process

  • Research

    User Interviews, Contextual Inquiry, Competitive Analysis, User surveys, User Testing

  • Strategy

    Affinity mapping, Market analysis, personas, Journey maps, Empathy maps, Design sprint

  • Ideation

    Card sorting, user stories, jobs to be done, task analysis, sitemap, information architecture

  • Prototype

    Wireframing, Low fidelity and High Fidelity Prototype, data visualization, collaborative design

  • Testing

    concept testing, usability testing through heuristics evaluation and think alouds.


A study by the National Search and Rescue Training Center found that 67% of SAR volunteers face difficulty in in-person training

A significant majority of SAR volunteers, specifically 80%, express a strong desire for immersive training experiences.

The Problem

Business Opportunity

Solution Overview

Impact Overview

Search and rescue operations play a critical role in emergency response, requiring well-trained and prepared volunteers. However, the search and rescue industry has traditionally relied on in-person the training process can be time-consuming and fragmented, lacking personalized guidance. There is a need for a comprehensive platform that streamlines search and rescue training, provides tailored learning paths, and fosters a collaborative community.

AI Learning plan and Immersive Learning for search and rescue is an exciting business opportunity. SAR Learn can adopt a subscription model, offering tiered plans with advanced features and personalized learning paths. Collaborations with search and rescue organizations, emergency response agencies, and public safety institutions can create tailored versions of SAR Learn. Additional training and certification programs can expand revenue streams and attract a wider user base. Leveraging data analytics and user feedback enables targeted enhancements. Corporate sponsorships provide funding for development and enhance brand visibility. These opportunities position SAR Learn to revolutionize search and rescue training while driving growth and impact in the industry.

Empowering volunteers to become the unsung heroes of search and rescue, SAR Learn is revolutionizing the way we train and evaluate. With personalized guidance, a collaborative community, and a wealth of resources at their fingertips, volunteers are equipped to save lives and make a lasting impact. Together, we're shaping a future where every rescue mission is met with expertise, confidence, and unwavering dedication.

Key Features

  • AI-generated learning plan

  • Immersive game learning through virtual reality

  • Personalized courses and course catalog

  • Certification upload and expiration notifications

  • Resource repository for downloading and uploading resources

  • Peer evaluation functionality

  • Deployment assistance for incident commanders

SAR Learn streamlines the training process, optimizing resource allocation. Decreased training duration by 20% and increased course completion rates by 15%.


Discover Phase

During our discovery phase, we embarked on a journey to understand the challenges and frustrations faced by search and rescue officials and gain insights into current training and evaluation practices. We utilized various research methods, including user interviews, contextual inquiry, SAR game simulation, competitive analysis, user surveys, and user testing, mind maps to uncover valuable information and shape our understanding.

What they have

Key Insights

User Interviews & Contextual Inquiry

Research synthesis

Define Phase

During the define phase, I sorted out the user requirements and the initial ideas to create the personas, Customer journey map, Empathy maps and Information Architecture.

  • Conducted interviews with 15 Search and Rescue volunteers and first responders. Went to Muscatatuck Urban Training Center to observe the training.

  • Insights gained into training needs, pain points, preferences and current training methods

  • Uncovered common challenges, including lack of personalized guidance and the need for a supportive community

  • Desire expressed for tailored learning paths, peer interaction, and easy resource access

Competitive Analysis

  • Offers search and rescue training programs and certifications.

  • Provides online courses and in-person training workshops.

  • Emphasizes professional development and skill enhancement for SAR professionals.

  • Provides training materials and resources for ongoing learning.

Affinity Diagramming of the Pain points from the User Interviews.
The frustrated SAR volunteer lacks access to diverse training courses, struggles with finding certifications, and lacks post-mission acknowledgement, but remains motivated by a strong desire to help people in distress.
Thematic analysis of the customer gains and opportunities.

What they don’t have

This mind map shows the complexity of mission needs.

These were the key insights from our research -

  • The search and rescue industry has been traditionally reliant on in-person training programs, which can be time-consuming, costly, and challenging to scale.

  • Limited availability of training facilities and instructors can lead to scheduling challenges and delays in training programs.

  • Scaling in-person training to accommodate a larger number of volunteers can be logistically challenging and resource-intensive.

  • In-person training may not always replicate the diverse and dynamic conditions that SAR volunteers may encounter during actual rescue missions.

Outside of a mission,
incident commanders evaluate their team and also help volunteers reach their goals such
as helping a volunteer become a K9 handler by sharing training and certification
information. Sometimes it's harder for them to achieve their goals.
This user journey map provides an example of what a Search and Rescue incident commander might go through when going out on a mission and what kind of training they require to do so. It helps show what he will be doing through the various stages of the mission, as well as his thoughts and
attitudes during them. It also lists some potential opportunities for improvement in each
  • Does not have a social learning platform for peer interaction.

  • Does not provide AI-generated learning plans or personalized guidance.

  • Does not provide immersive or virtual reality experiences.

  • Does not have a course catalog.


Concept Design

During the ideation phase, we generated multiple concepts aimed at improving the efficiency of training and evaluation in Search and Rescue (SAR) missions. We actively involved first responders in the testing process to gather their feedback and insights. Based on their input, we developed a comprehensive information architecture for rescue missions, dividing it into distinct phases: "before the mission," "during the mission," and "after the mission." To incorporate the latest technology, we further refined the design of the solution.

Information Architecture

We created the sitemap above to help guide our user flows. The challenge here was to narrow down the scope of our project because the initial scope that we decided on had gotten too large. Then, we split up and designed the individual aspects that we agreed upon.


Design Iterations

Ai generated Course Catalog

Customized training path created by AI to guide SAR volunteers in their professional development, ensuring individualized and effective learning experiences.

We created the sitemap above to help guide our user flows. The challenge here was to narrow down the scope of our project because the initial scope that we decided on had gotten too large. Then, we split up and designed the individual aspects that we agreed upon.

Certifications and directory

Centralized platform for SAR volunteers to manage, track, and showcase their certifications, ensuring easy access and maintenance of their professional qualifications.

Learning Plan and Course Selection

The Learning Plan page displays the user’s current courses and certifications. In addition, a visual learning path tracks the user’s progress allowing them to stay engaged with their learning achievements.


The Resource Library allows volunteers to search and share valuable resources for SAR missions. Articles, videos, and podcasts have filters that include but are not limited to, keywords, dates, and ratings.

Usability Testing


Our team completed five usability tests with our low-fidelity prototype to discover our platform’s convenience, usefulness, and clarity. Five scenarios were created to ensure that the participants interacted with the key features of the prototype. The usability test was followed by the user rating each screen on a Likert scale with additional comments and suggestions.

Conclusion & Next Steps

After analyzing feedback from our usability tests, we created a document with common recommendations for improvement on the platform. For example, users suggested consistent navigation where menu, search, and filter options are located in the same place on all screens. Additional issues were pointed out around search and filter hierarchy. Once all recommendations are implemented, we will build a high-fidelity prototype that will include an updated interface style and visual designs. A second round of prototype testing will be scheduled, and recommendations for improvement will be implemented.